Traincrawl is a one dimensional depth crawl by SunderedWorldDM. I'm writing the coldward half of this depth crawl, away from the engine and toward the caboose1, while my Collaborator, whom I have worked with Before will be making the engineward half. The following three tables are depth tables, invented by cavegirl (from whom I have also stolen some entries on these tables). When you enter a new car, roll a d6 on both tables, adding the distance in number of cars from your starting car (so the first car you explore will be +0, the second +1, etc.). Every car has a 2 in 6 chance of being semi-permanently inhabited, and each inhabited car has a 50% chance of having a party and a 50% chance of having a murder mystery. If the car cannot be feasibly inhabited by humans, elfs live there
- Boxcar
- Seating Car (Six seats wide)
- Seating Car (Four seats wide)
- Sleeping Car
- Dining Car
- Observation Car
- Aquarium
- Bar
- Meditation car
- Medical Car
- Freezer Car
- Tomb Car
- Cryocar
- Research Car
- Ritual Car
- Dessert Car
- Palace Car
- Garden Car
- AI Car
- Caboose
- Empty
- Graffiti'd
- Odd Aspect Ratio
- Maintained
- Guarded
- Dead Scavengers
- Cold
- Sedate
- Impervious
- Filigreed
- Automated
- Ticket Check
- Frozen
- Laser Turrets
- Stabilized
- Open Window
- Opulent Party
- Crystalline
- Bose-Einstein
- Perfect
- Empty
- Scrappers, outgoing
- Scrappers, returning
- Broken Servitor
- Strong Wind
- Hypothermic Dabbler
- Elf Rescue Team
- Mummy
- Mobile Ice Crystal
- Functioning Servitor
- Ice Wizard
- Glass Butler
- Polar Bear
- Glass Birds
- Remorhaz
- Confection
- Elf Bacchanal
- White Queen
- Sentient Ice Crystal
- The Great Intelligence
Descriptions forthcoming, probably in the other 3 collab posts remaining in GLoGtober.
1Caboose is a silly word
I can't wait to read the rest! This is so good- I'm being compelled further and further to run a Traincrawl sometime soon...