Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Hex Descriptions A La Lungusfungus

Roll or choose what fits


You follow a path which _______. On either side there are trees which ______ and ______.
  1. Sinks between two ancient embankments
  2. Runs above the canopy, with a cliff on one side
  3. Follows close to a clear stream
  4. Is occasionally demarcated by archways engineered in a way you can't quite understand
  5. Is rather disused, growing over with moss and grass
  6. Bounces up and down over gentle hills
  1. Grow solitarily, with little underbrush
  2. Spread their roots across many and varied boulders
  3. Hang short and low, like orchard trees
  4. Are clearly coppiced in some areas
  5. Bloom heavily with sweet smelling flowers
  6. Shed a soft, green shadow, like stained glass
  1. Are dead or dying in their far branches
  2. Are clearly very old
  3. Are covered in ivy and moss
  4. Hardly sway in the wind
  5. Occasionally shake, sprinkling droplets of dew all about
  6. Seem kindly, being cool in the day and warm at night


You travel along _____. The fields here are ______, and it seems _____.
  1. A well worn wagon path
  2. A way paved with stones from a previous era
  3. A riverside way, with frequent houses on the side furthest the bank and boats tied up on the other
  4. A rather trackless expanse, making your way by sight from hamlet to hamlet
  5. A path marked by ancient boundary stones
  6. A path with many smaller branching lanes
  1. Laden with grain and fieldworkers
  2. Rather soggy and dew carrying
  3. Mostly heather and herds of sheep
  4. Beautiful green pastures
  5. Filled with ancient ruined structures
  6. Rolling and hilly
  1. Very warm under the gaze of the sun
  2. Very mysterious, especially in the drifting fog
  3. Like the sky is twice as big as normal
  4. Peaceful and pastoral
  5. So nice that less adventuresome men would pound their swords into plowshares
  6. Sleepy and sedate


You pick your way through a waterlogged land. The swamp _____ and _____.
  1. Is Full of tall grasses and dragonflies (surprisingly biting fly free)
  2. Is Made of peat, rippling as you walk upon it
  3. Slowly evaporates during the day, causing great fogs and dews
  4. Is mostly made of small islands in a system of rivers
  5. Bristles with rare flowers
  6. Sucks at your feet while you walk
  1. Pops with noxious gases which occasionally ignite with blue flame
  2. Certain areas are shored up with large pine trees
  3. Is shaded by willows and large shrubs
  4. Actually smells pretty good
  5. Is marred by large ruins emerging from the mire
  6. Smells rather strongly of saltwater


As you travel along, the hills ______, their crests topped with _____.
  1. Rise high into the sky
  2. Loll beside you
  3. Seem to hedge you in
  4. Direct myriad streams toward you
  5. Loom above you like giants
  6. Cradle you gently

  1. Small groves which strike you with religious awe
  2. What were once towers
  3. The occasional shrine
  4. Awful standing stones
  5. Bare rock cliffs
  6. Shallow, clear pools


The mountains rise before you, _____, ______.
  1. Dark and forbidding
  2. A great edifice of cliff and terraces
  3. Parting the clouds themselves
  4. Going down almost as much as they go up
  5. Circular like a crown
  6. Lit like a crystal by sunlight

  1. Cleft in a pass right down the middle
  2. With switchbacks snaking upward
  3. Adorned with an enormous waterfall
  4. Clothed with a great forest
  5. Flattened on the top like a great altar
  6. Topped with snow and ice


You walk along the edge of the water. The shoreline is ______, and the water ______.
  1. Mostly pleasant, sandy beaches
  2. Marked by muck, driftwood and seaweed
  3. Watched by high rocks and cliffs
  4. Nicely vegetated, with bright dune-grass and the occasional crab
  5. Populated by docks and boats with multicolored sails
  6. Silty and soft, but smells of fish
  1. Shines deep and blue, as the sea should be
  2. Glows green like an emerald
  3. Flows with sweet waves
  4. Reflects the bright sun, and is almost blinding
  5. Erupts with islands
  6. Feels very cool and refreshing
[I tried include a good variety, but I'm a sucker for beauty. LungusFungus/Melancholies and Mirth original Here]

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