What is the Moon World?
The earth is encapsulated by many, many crystal spheres, called the heavens. The sphere closest to the earth is the Lunar sphere, and on the surface of that sphere is the Lunar World. The Moon, the one we see, is a hole in this sphere, as are most of the stars (Some of the stars are holes punched through more spheres than the Lunar sphere. Mercury, for instance, is punched through two spheres, the lunar sphere and the mercurial sphere. Other planets are similar). In addition to spheres above the earth, the earth itself is a sphere with a multitude of spheres below it, that we know as the hells. The Moon World is dominated by a fertile desert of silvery sand and dark water, but not all areas on the Moon World are like this. Its like the ocean; most of earth is covered in it, but some of the most interesting places are not. These places include the Land of Pillars, the Solar Reach, The Country of the Selenians, and the Forest of the Night.![]() |
Dark Waters |
How Do I Get to the Moon World?
The easiest way is to die a good man. The Moon World is basically heaven, so you'll go there if you reach nirvana, become a saint, something like that. Then you'll live a few lifetimes there in beautiful bliss. You'll go native, forget that you ever lived on earth, and try to work towards going up another level.
If you want to get to the Moon World without reincarnating several times, you will probably get on a rocket or cannon. Then, you are shot through the largest hole in the lunar sphere, the Moon. However, you will probably be attacked by legions of celestials.
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Silver Sands |
How do the Moon People Feel About Us?
The newly reincarnated view us with grace and pity. However, they really can't express this as they are spending a short eternity in ecstasy and bliss. Those that have lived a few lives there view us with judgement and contempt. We are to be avoided or we might corrupt the good and decent folk up there. Incursions are to be dealt with swiftly and harshly. reincarnation is encouraged and accepted. If any celestial petitioners are sent to help the terrestrial sphere, they will be of the newly reincarnated, so we aren't murdured instead of help. Essentially, we are demons to them, albeit pitiful ones. They are the humans, in their mind. They have their own angels from the mercurial sphere. Demons similarly are formed from human souls, and view themselves as humans and view us as angels.
Who Rules the Moon?
The moon is ruled by She who Looks Down on Us with Grace, Selene. In a similar way to the souls reincarnated on the moon for their goodness, Selene used to be the godess of earth, but ascended because of her skill at producing good mortals. Gaia occupied the position of Moon Goddess before, but she was cast to earth to make way for Selene (Gaia doesn't really like Selene). The sphere directly below us, the underworld, the infernal sphere, is ruled by the goddess Cthon, who is really bad at producing good souls, and that's why we don't have any demons reincarnating into humans. I'll write about Cthon and the underworld later.
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Earthly Servants of Selene |
What can I Fight?!
The Blissed
The first thing you'll fight on the moon will probably be the legions of newly ascended souls. Their touch spreads agonizing bliss and, if you take too many hits, makes you forget about the lower world. The pain from fighting might give them clarity about their past lives, though to them this will seem like a vision of hell.
HD: as commoner with exploding dice. Defence: as cleric. Attacks: +3 to hit, 1d2 psychic caress
- Beatific Touch: When The Blissed collectively do 10 damage to one target, that target makes a saving throw or fall into helpless bliss, which lasts until the next long rest. When they deal 30 damage to a target, the target must make a saving throw or forget about earth.
- Horrific Awakening: When The Blissed, or one of those that took an effect from Beatific Touch, take maximum damage from a weapon, they take an additional 1d6 psychic damage and then re-roll their reaction dice and become a commoner. This dispels any effect given by Beatific Touch

Like These Except Really Happy
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Like These Except Really Happy |
Pyrotechnic Angels
Angels are constructs built by Selene and other powerful moon-dwellers to house the souls of the souls which have reincarnated several times, and can no longer manifest their forms. These particular angels are used as shock troops, due to their volatility and distracting presence. Generally, the most wrathful and inspiring souls are used in these angels. They resemble rolls of paper, which unroll slightly into a small, flat figure with simple cut-out appendages, covered in glyphs and colorful ink. If they are burned heavily, or close enough to the roll, which contains magic explosive powder, they explode into dazzling, powerful humanoid forms for a short while before dissapearing. Their magic power is a potent drug as well as an explosive, and counts for all purposes as a soul. Their paper halves the cost of copying your next spell.
HD: as fire elemental. Defence: as fire elemental. Attacks: +5 to hit, 1d4+1 slashing damage (special)
- Dazzling Form: When The Pyrotechnic Angel takes fire damage from one attack equal to the number of its HD, or is reduces it to 1/8 its hitpoints, it makes a save (which it can, and likely will, choose to fail) or combusts into flame, dealing Xd8+3 radiant or fire (whichever is more effective) damage per attack, where X is the damage that the last fire attack dealt. It also gains immunity to fire and radiant damage. It persists in this form for a number of turns equal to its HD minus half the damage the last fire attack dealt, after which it fades and vanishes. It can also choose at any time to voluntarily combust.
Probably Not Like This
Bismuth Angels
Like Pyrotechnic Angels, Bismuth Angels house a veteran soul. They are used as guardians and builders, and their touch creates strange order. They house creative and steadfast souls. They vary wildly, from the size of a pixie, to a crystalline behemoth. Shards of their crystal can be used as an arcane focus, or holy symbol, and it grants +1 AC and +1 to the relevant spellcasting score when casting conjuration and illusion magic.
HD: 1d8 Defences: as Earth Elemental or Iron Golem, with weakness to thunder & damage. Attacks: Xd6 piercing, cold, or force (whichever is more effective) (special) - Original Forms: Bismuth Angels roll 1d6 to determine size (1. tiny 2. small 3-4. medium 5. large 6. huge) and roll 1d8 to determine their number of hit dice.
Yeah - Crystallizing Touch: The Bismuth Angel's attacks deal damage equals to their number of hit dice. When this attack first hits a bloodied creature, increase their AC by 1 and halve their speed.
Also Yeah - Creative Harmonies: Each round, the Bismuth Angel can, as a Move action, create a crystalline structure with an volume up to (5*(6-the result of the size roll)) Ft^3. This construction lasts for a number of turns equal to their HD.
If you want, I guess? I Guess???
There are other angels, such as Selenite, Sand, and Abyss Angels. For variety's sake, I'll talk about other creatures.
Giant Fucking Marine Invertebrates
What else would you find on the moon?
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But Larger |
Yeah, why not? Here, they are known as Selenians. They cannot comprehend other spheres, as they are not of human souls. As such, they fall through stars like we fall down invisible wells. They are completely blind in terrestrial light, though they can operate acceptably under the light of the moon and stars. Those who survive the fall and aren't killed as a monstrosity spend their nights gazing upwards, seeing straight through to the lunar world above. They occasionally try to modify cattle and other livestock to resemble the invertebrates of the lunar world. If this is unsuccessful, they will starve on the meat of earth. Stats as commoners, though they might have some weird tech or magic.
I think that's alright. done.
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